BUT here's a tip, there isn't much to celebrate in winter when this is the coldest February on record since 1875! Yes, I believe we were at negative wind chills, I refuse to be exact. If it feels like it's below zero, does it even really matter EXACTLY how cold it was? It was cold...
It was a lovely town, I highly suggest a visit. I wouldn't mind visiting again when it is warmer :)
While we were there we made a point of visiting:
- The Wisconsin Museum of Quilts and Fiber Arts http://wiquiltmuseum.com/
- The last remaining Covered Bridge in WI http://www.cedarburg.org/business-details/1615444-covered-bridge-park
- The Cedar Creek Settlement (cute shopping & cafe for lunch) http://www.cedarcreeksettlement.com/
- Lion's Den Gorge Nature Preserve http://www.wisconsintrails.com/travel/taking-in-the-views-in-ozaukee-countys-lions-den-b9980213z1-220841791.html
These quilts were literally ART... I expected the history of quilting, these were very cool.
Adorable Popcorn Cart in the middle of town.
And what road trip is complete without a kitch stop...
Good Times!
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